
Raider -- July, 1997 to Dec. 17, 2010

He had been failing for about a month as the slow erosion of age bore him down. So I wasn't surprised to find him lying dead in front of the wood stove last night. He had been with us for so long that he leaves a noticeable gap in our family. We never can keep them as long as we want to.

Thanks for the memories, Raider. You were a big sweetie.


Jans Funny Farm said…
We're very sorry for the loss of your Raider. Furries don't stay with us long enough. Purrs and tail wags.
Kea said…
We saw this in a comment on the Cat Blogosphere and came to offer our condolences. We're sorry we never knew him, but obviously Raider was an important and much-loved family member. Please know we're sending you purrs and universal Light for healing of your heart, and wishing you Blessings and Peace.

-Mom Kim with Annie, Nicki and Derry @ Fuzzy Tales
Cat said…
What a handsome panther Raider was!It is so hard when they go, but really I can't think of a better way than to just fall asleep in a safe, warm and loving home.

Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss.
The Island Cats said…
We just heard that Raider went to the Bridge. We are so sorry for your loss. We send you comforting purrs and headbutts.
Our soft purrs to you for the loss of Raider...
What a gorgeous, sweet boy.
Very sorry to hear he ran off to the Rainbow Bridge.
We are sending purrs and head bumps for his family.
Kaz's Cats said…
I'm sorry for your loss - you're right about us never being able to keep them as long as want to...I'm glad that Raider knew love and affection in his life with you,


Ah, mom sez the same thing, we don't live nearly long enuff. Enjoy yoor rest at the Bridge Raider, and we'll see yoo there later.
Catio Tales said…
Rest peacefully Raider; you found a loving and warm place there, and forever.
Karen Jo said…
I am so sorry that Raider has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Everycat said…
Farewell handsome Raider, you look like you were a very wise and loving cat whilst you were here on earth. Fly free old fella and keep an eye on your family.

Rumbly purrs and love

Whicky Wuudler
We didnt know Raider ~ but we can tell by what you wrote that he was a wonderful cat and will be greatly missed. We hope you can find comfort in the treasury of memories you have of your beautiful boy. ((((hugs))))
Hannah and Lucy said…
What a lovely cat Raider looked and goodness a great age he reached.
We didn't know him but can imagine what a big hole he will leave in your hearts.
Luv Hannah & Lucy xx xx
We send many purrs and prayers to you and hope your loss will ease with time.
Brian's Home Blog said…
My sisters and I are so very sorry to hear about your sweet Raider. It is so difficult, we know, we've been there. We send you hugs and purrs.
AFSS said…
Our deepest sympathy on the loss of Raider. ~Artemisia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla
Raider, yoo looked so loved! Soar high sweet one.

Purrs and headbutts,


licks and tail wags,

I is Jake!!
The Florida Furkids said…
We're so sorry that Raider has gone to the Bridge. We know what a large empty space a missing furkid leaves.


The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Marg said…
WE are sad to learn about Raider. What a peaceful way to die though. It sounds like he had a wonderful life. Big hugs to you and some comforting purrs too. Take care.
Kat's Kats said…
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders send you purrs & prayers.

May the memories of love outweigh the grief of loss.
Admiral Hestorb said…
I saw this on the Cat Blogosphere and I came to tell you how very very sorry I am about sweet raider. He was an older member of the family but that in no way takes the pain of them going to the Bridge. We will see them all, by and by. They loved us just as much as we loved them. He will see my Robin..she'll help show him around. Purrs and prayers.
Samantha & Mom said…
We are so sorry for the loss of Raider!! We wish they could stay with us forever!!
Purrrrs and hugs,
Your TX furiends,
Ikaika said…
Run free at the Bridge, handsome Raider. Purrs to your family ...
Carolina Mountains said…
I have visited your blog now and then and liked reading about your animals and life in Alaska. I am so sorry to hear that Raider has passed. What a lovely way to go tho - at home, safe and loved. RIP sweet Raider.
Team Tabby said…
Sorry to hear about the loss of Raider. He will always live in your heart.
We never knew Raider, but it is clear he was a much loved kittie. Sending comforting purrrrrss and gentle headbuttss to all the kitties and beans remembering him.
possumlady said…
So sorry to hear about Raider. Been out of the blogging world for a while so am just catching up. He had a very sweet face.

Need to bring my black cat, Apu, to the vet tomorrow. He's 14 and has been urinating/drinking a lot over the past two weeks. Hoping it is a thyroid issue and not renal failure...
Cats~Goats~Quotes said…
Just now reading this. I am so sorry. What a great cat Raider was.

Also sorry I've not kept up better. My Firefox does not work right and that is where my links were.

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