Me and My Shadow....

In the face of Black Jack's presence in the shop, Twitch asked to come into the house. Despite his size, Twitch is rather timid and the prospect of having a stranger in the shop disquiets him.

So we began letting him come into the house for ever-increasing lengths of time. He is not aggressive and the house cats don't see him as "foreign" so the transition is going smoothly.

Except that Bart is very protective of his status as "man of the house" and for the first few days followed Twitch around. He kept a discrete distance of two or three feet but made sure that Twitch appreciated his status.

I bet they will be sleeping together by Christmas...


MmeBenaut said…
I love this. It's funny how they all have their favourite playmates. The other night I had three of them on the bed with me!!
Meggie said…
Hey Laura: Thanks for stopping by Meggie's Stuff and your kind words about Casper. I see your home is still quite active with felines. Glad to see Pumpkin is still with you enjoying the warmth of the sunlight. I, too, have a stray that lives outside right now. I trapped him and had him neutered...he was NOT a happy camper! Now he's quite affectionate and I'm not sure how well he will intergrate into the family. I guess I'll take things slow and easy.
MmeBenaut said…
My goodness Meggie - it seems that we cat people always attract more and more cats. I'm going to get Snuffy to the vet eventually. Last night he put two feet inside the door and took a good look around but when Lillipilli came to investigate, I had to shut the door on him again. His wound is looking better Laura.
Cats~Goats~Quotes said…
This reminds me of when KittyBoy came in. The residents already knew him through the screen doors and windows. It was a very easy transition. Looks like yours will go as well!
~ The Bunch

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