Good-Bye, Fiona...

...hello "Wilson."

Turns out that the big tabby girl isn't. A girl. I guess I am not quite as good at sexing cats as I imagined I was.

Anyway, it became apparent last week that big, awkward Fiona was--in actuality--a neutered male. So we tossed a few names around and finally settled on "Wilson." (Though I was all for "Mr. Fiona", I deferred to Denny's suggestion.)

Anyway--that explains a few things we were wondering about Fiona's personality.


Kaz's Cats said…
Hehehehehe...Good work Wilson, keeping them guessing - something similar happened at our place, but I (Gypsy) kept my name after all!


Gypsy & Tasha
Samantha & Mom said…
Hi Wilson!! (hehehehe) Mom called me Blackie when I was a kitten, cause she thought I was a boy!! (Samantha)
Your FL furiends,
Susann said…
Fiona or Wilson, you're still a goodlooking cat no matter what your name is. And that's such a cute pic. :)
Oh Wilson!
I am so pretty (but not conceited, very much) I look like a gurl, too.
We just have to deal with it!
~ Timothy
Meggie said…
Determining the sex of cats is tricky business, for sure...even for those of us who have had felines a long time. I've made the same mistake more than once. Wilson is a handsome name!

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