
The formerly-feral Grendel has--in her dotage--become both deaf and blind. Since that time, she has put aside her fear of us and become a demanding presence. Many time during the day and night, her echoing calls will summon us to find her and lavish attention on her. She goes as far to seek out our bedside and rub her face against our hands or feet.

Apparently we are much easier to love when one can no longer see or hear us.


Cat said…
Grendel has a fantastic face!!!
Nina Torbie said…
My, Grendel! What big eyes you have! So pretty.
Moki The Wobbly Cat said…
Haha...sounds very familiar. Once upon a time Moki was a feral kitten who was very distrusting of everyone. Once he got sick however that all quicky changed...he became the most loveable cat ever.

When an animal needs you for their survival a whole different and wonderful relationship is formed.
Moki The Wobbly Cat said…
Merry Kissmas Laura, Grendel and family. We hopes you is having a good one!
Everycat said…
What a sweetheart Grendel is. She's gorgeous. I love the way senior cats get the world running exactly as they want it.


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