Bunny's Birthday

Bunny and Punkin in February 2008

Today is Bunny's twelfth birthday.

She was born to a stray cat in the Animal Shelter--I was the first human to touch her.

Because she couldn't see, our relationship was one of soft voices and tender touches, deep and quiet. I remember the hours we spent together, taking trips to various veterinarians looking for solutions to her eye problems. Throughout her life, we have shared a deep and quiet bond.

I am going to miss her. I don't want to say it, but I know this is her last birthday, and as such, it is full of bittersweet memories.

Bunny August 1996

Happy Birthday, Bunny. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


MmeBenaut said…
Twelve years of "soft voices and tender touches, deep and quiet". This has truly been a labour of love for you Laura. Bunny looks so sweet as a kitten. Her small blind eyes are incredibly appealing to me.
Happy Birthday Bunny.
We hope Bunny had a nice, quiet birthday. She is lucky to have you.
Lisa said…
What a sweet baby picture. Bunny has had a wonderful, peaceful, loving life with you. I know it will be so hard to let her go when the time comes.
Laura said…
We had to let Bunny go. It was really hurtful to do it but we promised ourselves that we wouldn't hold on to her just for ourselves. We couldn't keep her from hurting so we had to do what was best for her. It was gentle and peaceful but we sure miss her. Thanks you all for your love and support. (hugs)

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